Punching & trimming machines

Alternate technologies, many possibilities.
- Hydraulic, pneumatic, pneumo-hydraulic or manual drives.
- Ultra-sonic, hot or cold knife punching.
- Direct “on-die” or transfer loading.
- One step radius and/or chamfer embossing.
- Addition of downstream processes such as sticking, US welding or assembly clipping in one machine.
Assembly stations

Perfect tools for error free assembly.
- Part retention and counterforce blocks tailored to assembly requirements including unique cast resin technology for protection of fragile or painted parts.
- Poke-yoke operator assistance ranging from “pick to light” sensors to automatic part detection via optical sensors or camera applications.
- Integrated functions such as PLC assisted screwing, stapling, riverting, continuity tests, barcode scanning and label printing.

Perfect fit. Repeatable results.
- Milling, scoring, US blade and water-jet fixtures for use with flexible robotic systems.
- A-side or B-side retention via vacuum or pneumo-mechanical clamping circuits.
- Aluminum, resin block, cast resin or laminate nests.
- Suitable for thermoplastic, composite and insulation parts.
Injection tools

Thermoplastics & Duroplastics. Always in form.
- High pressure, thermoplastic injection moulds supplied with industry leading hot runner systems.
- Low pressure injection moulds for RIM, SRIM or DCDP (Telene).
- Mechanical or hydraulic sliders in straight or angled configurations.
- Modifications of existing tools with laser welding support.
- Capabilities of manufacturing tools up to 16 tons.
Press tools

Forming, covering, clinching, pinching. Impressive Know-How.
- Specialized tools for insulation and acoustic isolation parts.
- One-step for forming and punching/pinching technologies.
- Laser hardened cutting knives up to 60 HRC.
- Tools sizes up to 4,000 x 4,000 mm.